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    QT4-18 automatic block machine installation notice

    Date of publication:2022-06-02 17:45:29 Number of views:1

    Something you need to notice when install QT4-18 automatic cement brick machine vibration motor and sensor wires connection.

    1. You must be sure vibration motor rotation direction, if rotate direction not correct, it easy burn motors.

    cement brick machine

    2. How to connection sensor wires in QT4-18 cement brick machine box?

    a. you should find QT4-18 cement brick machine sensors connection box.


    b. sensors location:

    automatic brick machine

    c. Moulding area sensors:

    brick moulding machine

    d. Pallet feeding area sensors:

    brick making machine

    e. Material feeding area front sensor location:

    f. Material feeding area back sensor location:

    Notice the Number mark we put in sensors!!!

    g. Now see QT4-18 cement brick machine box wires:

    brick machine sensor

    Notice up side of box, you can see some labels, you can also find X0,X1....X10, now you see sensors in different parts of cement brick machine. You should know sensors block wires connection parts. then all sensors blue, and brown wires connect together.


    If you want to know more, please see other news in our website.

    1. QT4-18 Automatic hydraulic block machine FAQ: http://www.linyibrickmachine.com/newsshow-19-77-1.html

    2. How to check sensor and confirm brick machine sensor location: http://www.linyibrickmachine.com/newsshow-19-79-1.html

    3. How to operate concrete hollow block machine: http://www.linyibrickmachine.com/newsshow-18-73-1.html

    4. How to solve brick machine hydraulic system not work problem?: http://www.linyibrickmachine.com/newsshow-19-80-1.html

    QT4-18 automatic hydraulic block machine introduction:

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    Linyi GiantLin Machinery Co., Ltd
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